About Us

OPTITECH is a national distributor of optical and graphical processing units, having strong connections withmanufacturers such as: MSI, AUROS , NVIDIA GIGABYTE AND ASUS. These strong relationships have ensured the success of this business for many years. OPITECH prides itself on selling world-class graphics cards and at competitive prices. It thus due to this pride that OPITECH has developed this website or onlime store to showcase andd sell the brand new graphics cards, by displaying various product pictures, provinding in-depth product descriptions and all the specifications of the product. The access to such a website allows customers to analyse each card and recognise exactly to what extent each card can perform, thus allowing informed decisions to be made. OPITECH as a company wants complete product transparency, allowing customers not to brain washed but determine which graphics card suits their requirements, by displaying products with such transparency it also creates a competitive product market atmosphere,forcing these manufactures to improve their products.

How Ordering works:

Our Distributors:


City Logistics

